Safe Surfing for Everyone

Nowadays, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. We use it for work, communication, shopping, as well as entertainment. However, despite the many benefits of the global network, there are also risks, to which the elderly are particularly vulnerable. That's why our IT company is very excited to announce a series of articles and workshops aimed at increasing awareness and safety for seniors online.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is a global computer network that connects millions of devices around the world. It enables communication, access to information, sharing of resources and collaboration on a scale that is hard to imagine. In the first article of our series, we will explain what exactly the Internet is, how it works and the elements that make up its functioning. We will also discuss how individual Internet services, such as e-mail, web browsers and social media, are used on a daily basis.

Opportunities provided by the Internet

The Internet offers endless possibilities that can make everyday life much easier, especially for seniors. In the second article of our series, we will focus on the positive aspects of using the web. We will show how the Internet can help you stay in touch with family and friends, how to access medical services online, shop without leaving home, and how to find interesting content and educational courses. We will also show how the Internet can be a source of entertainment, through access to movies, music and games.

Online fraud methods

Unfortunately, the Internet is not free of threats. In the third article of our series, we will discuss the various methods of online fraud to which seniors in particular are vulnerable. We will explain what phishing, malware, fake emails and online shopping scams are. We will show how to spot suspicious messages and websites, and what steps to take to avoid becoming a victim of cybercriminals.

The most important rules of online safety

In the last article of our series, we will present the most important online security rules that every senior should know and follow. We will share practical tips on how to create strong passwords, what information can be shared online, and what information is better kept to yourself. We will also discuss the importance of regular software updates, using antivirus software and avoiding public Wi-Fi networks for sensitive transactions.

Workshops for Seniors

Our articles are the result of workshops conducted with seniors. As part of our initiative, we organized a series of workshops that took place in Mikuszowice Śląskie, at the Senior Citizens' Club at the Blessed Virgin Mary Queen of the World Parish. During these meetings, participants had the opportunity to learn how to use the Internet safely, ask questions and dispel their doubts. The classes were and will continue to be conducted by our experienced IT specialists, who with passion and patience will introduce seniors to the world of safe surfing on the web.


Online security is extremely important, especially for seniors, who are often less familiar with new technologies and more vulnerable to various types of threats. Our IT company, with the welfare and safety of our senior users in mind, invites you to follow our series of articles on this topic. We are confident that both the articles and the workshops will contribute to the awareness and safety of seniors on the Internet. We encourage you to follow our blog, where we will regularly publish new content and information about upcoming events.

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