legal information

privacy policy

This Privacy Policy defines the rules of storing and accessing information on the User's devices with the use of cookies for the implementation of services provided electronically by Code Town sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Bystra, Juliana Fałata Street, 43-360 Bystra.

  1. Administrator - means here Code Town sp. z o.o. based in Bystra, 4B/4 Juliana Fałata St., 43-360 Bystra, which provides services electronically and stores and accesses information in User's devices.
  2. Cookies - means computer data, in particular small text files, recorded and stored on the devices through which the User uses the Website.
  3. Administrator's Cookies - means Cookies placed by the Administrator, related to the provision of electronic services by the Administrator through the Service.
  4. External Cookies - means Cookies placed by the Administrator's partners, through the Website of the Service.
  5. Service - means a website or application under which the Administrator operates an online service, including an online store, operating in the domain
  6. Device - means an electronic device through which the User accesses the Service.
  7. User - means an entity to whom, in accordance with the Regulations and legal regulations, electronic services may be provided or with whom an Agreement for the provision of electronic services may be concluded.


Types of cookies used
  1. Cookies used by the Administrator are safe for the User Device. In particular, by this means it is not possible for viruses or other unwanted software or malware to get into the Users' Devices. These cookies allow to identify the software used by the User and customize the Service individually for each User. Cookies usually contain the name of the domain from which they originate, the time they are stored on the Device and the assigned value. The Administrator uses two types of cookies:
    1. Session cookies: are stored on the User's Device and remain there until the session of a given browser ends. The stored information is then permanently deleted from the Device's memory. The mechanism of session cookies does not allow the collection of any personal data or any confidential information from the User's Device.
    2. Persistent cookies: they are stored on the User's Device and remain there until they are deleted. Ending the session of a given browser or switching off the Device does not delete them from the User Device. The mechanism of permanent cookies does not allow any personal data or any confidential information to be collected from the User Device.
  2. The User has the option to restrict or disable the access of cookies to his/her Device. If you use this option, the use of the Website will be possible, except for functions that by their nature require cookies.


The purposes for which cookies are used
  1. The Administrator uses Custom Cookies for the following purposes:
    1. Service Configuration,
    2. Adapting the content of the Service's websites to the User's preferences and optimizing the use of the Service's websites.
    3. Recognize the Service User's device and its location and appropriately display the website, tailored to his/her individual needs;
    4. To remember the settings selected by the User and personalize the User's interface, e.g. with regard to the chosen language or region from which the User comes,
    5. To remember the history of pages visited on the site for content recommendations,
    6. font size, website design, etc.
    7. Authenticate the user on the site and ensure the user's session on the site
    8. maintaining the session of the Service User (after logging in), thanks to which the User does not have to re-enter his/her login and password on each sub-page of the Service;
    9. Correct configuration of selected features of the Website, allowing in particular verification of the authenticity of the browser session.
    10. Optimize and increase the efficiency of the services provided by the Administrator.
    11. Realization of processes necessary for full functionality of websites
    12. Adaptation of the content of the Website pages to the User's preferences and optimization of use of the Website pages. In particular, these files allow you to recognize the basic parameters of the User's Device and appropriately display the website, tailored to his individual needs;
    13. Correct operation of the affiliate program, enabling, in particular, verification of the sources of redirection of Users to the Website.
    14. To remember the location of the user of the correct configuration of selected features of the Website, allowing in particular to adjust the information provided to the User taking into account his/her location.
    15. Analysis and research, as well as audience auditing of the creation of anonymous statistics that help to understand how the Service's Users use the Service's websites, which allows to improve their structure and content;
    16. Provision of advertising services of adaptation of advertisements presented through the Service for services and products of third parties;
    17. Ensure the safety and reliability of the service
  2. The service administrator uses External Cookies for the following purposes:
    1. Presentation of multimedia content on the Service's websites, which are downloaded from an external website: [cookie administrator: Google Inc. based in the USA],
    2. Collect general and anonymous statistical data through analytical tools: Google Analytics [cookie administrator: Google Inc. based in the USA],
    3. Logging in to the service using a social networking site, i.e. Facebook Connect [cookie administrator: Facebook Inc. based in the USA or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland] Google [cookie administrator: Google Inc. based in the USA],
    4. The use of interactive features to popularize the service through social networks, such as: [cookie administrator: Twitter Inc. based in the U.S. [cookie administrator: Google Inc. based in the U.S.] or [cookie administrator: Facebook Inc. based in the US or Facebook Ireland based in Ireland].


Possibilities to determine the conditions for storing or accessing Cookies
  1. The User may independently and at any time change the settings for Cookies, specifying the conditions for storing and accessing by Cookies to the User's Device. The User may change the settings referred to in the preceding sentence by using the settings of the Internet browser or by using the configuration of the service.
  2. These settings can be changed, in particular, in such a way as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the settings of your web browser or inform about their placement on your device each time. Detailed information on the possibility and methods of handling cookies is available in the settings of your software (web browser).
  3. The user can delete cookies at any time using the available functions in the web browser they are using. Restricting the use of Cookies, may affect some functionality


Transfer of personal data
  1. Personal data - in connection with the realization of the purposes indicated in point 3 - may be transferred to persons authorized by the Administrator within the scope of its activities and to entities to which the Administrator has entrusted the processing of personal data (processors) on the basis of concluded agreements on entrustment of personal data processing,
  2. Regardless of this, data may be transferred to authorized entities, based on generally applicable laws.


Use of data
  1. We store the collected data primarily to ensure the highest possible quality of service administration.
  2. In addition, they are used by us to compile statistics on how users use our website. Data collected using "cookies" are not disclosed to third parties, except to legally authorized public authorities.


Additional information
  1. The data controller makes every effort to ensure the maximum level of security of the processed data by, among other things, encrypting connections, using high-security passwords, encrypting content and applying other generally accepted security measures.
  2. All materials, information, data, and in particular layouts and trademarks contained on are legally protected under the provisions of the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights and the Act of June 30, 2000 on Industrial Property Law. It is forbidden to use, reproduce, publish and transfer to third parties the above information without prior written consent of Code Town sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Bystra, 4B/4 Juliana Fałata St., 43-360 Bystra.